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7 Easter Traditions with Ann + Reeves Kids

Easter is all about new life, warmer weather, blooming flowers and celebrating Jesus! Who doesn’t love an excuse to celebrate? At Ann + Reeves, we take any opportunity to get festive. We love creating traditions with our family and bringing you ideas of how to celebrate with yours. We love centering Easter around Christ while also adding in some fun activities that your littles won’t forget for years to come.  In the spirit of Easter, we’re here to share how #annreevescelebrates: Easter Edition. We hope this post inspires you to create new traditions with your family. Be sure to share your favorite activities  with us on social media by tagging @annreeveskids and #annreevescelebrates.

children in Ann + Reeves Easter outfits

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Peeps S’mores 

Whatever your take is on Peeps, everyone would agree using them to make s’mores is a winning idea. All you need to make Peeps S’mores are some Peeps, graham crackers and chocolate bars. First take a graham cracker, then stack a chunk of the chocolate bar on top. Top this with a peep and either microwave until soft or place the stack under the broiler until toasted. Then, place another graham cracker on top and you have Peeps S’mores. This has to be the fastest Easter dessert ever!

“Egg” A Neighbor’s Yard

Would you like to find a way to bless your neighbors and celebrate Easter with them? One way is to “egg” their yard or hide treat-filled eggs around their porch, flower beds and front lawn. Fill the eggs with either wrapped candy, jelly beans or pieces of paper that include Scripture verses. We love this idea to tape a note on your neighbor’s front door that explains what’s happened to their yard. Use a premade template from Let’s DIY It All or have your child write a poem and draw an Easter picture. Then, tape the poem and picture to their front door after you and your kids have scattered their yard with treat-filled eggs. 

Easter egg poem

Wear Easter Outfits to School

We love an excuse to dress for a special occasion! The week before Easter, wear whatever you have that features a bunny or Easter eggs or dress up in your favorite Ann + Reeves Easter outfit. This year, we released several collections for Easter including Easter Best, Easter Garden and Sweet Peeps. To make these outfits perfect for Easter Sunday, girls can top them off with a big white bow and boys can wear their knee socks and white bucks. After all, Easter is the first day we can wear white shoes again until Labor Day!

smocked outfits with Easter chicks and bunnies

Shop The Easter Collection

Easter Bunny Footprints

Does the Easter bunny come to your house? The night before Easter Sunday, create a trail of bunny footprints that lead your child to their Easter basket. This really amps up their excitement. Make a bunny footprint template or print this one to cut out and use as a stencil. If you want to make your footprints inside your home, sprinkle baking soda over the template to create as many footprints as you like. The baking soda is easy to clean up as it’s a great natural cleanser! If you prefer creating these outside, color the template with sidewalk chalk. Let your little follow them to their Easter basket or to the fun Easter egg hunt you’ve set up in the backyard! 

Puzzle Easter Egg Hunt

When you’re planning your Easter egg hunt, fill the eggs with candy and individual puzzle pieces. Once your kids collect all the eggs and puzzle pieces, the family can gather around the table to assemble the puzzle. We love this Peter Rabbit puzzle!

Plant a Jelly Bean Garden

Your kids will love watching this garden grow! Get your kids involved by asking them to help you plant a jelly bean garden. In the afternoon, give them jelly beans, 5 or so, and take them outside to scatter the beans in the yard. After dinner, sneak outside and replace the jelly beans with bunny Peeps on sticks tied with little ribbons. Ask your kids to go outside to check the garden and they will find that all the magic jelly beans have sprouted into Peeps. Your kids will love this for years to come!

Make Easter Scripture Eggs

Share the Easter story with Easter scripture eggs. This is the perfect way to share the meaning of Easter with your family. Number twelve plastic eggs on the outside and fill them with Scripture verses that describe events that happened up until Jesus’s resurrection. You can also fill the eggs with objects that represent these events like a small piece of twine and a small nail. Use the printable verses here or pick your own to teach your children about our Savior’s death and resurrection. 


children dresses in Ann + Reeves Easter outfits

Shop The Easter Collection

Get your kids involved all throughout the Easter season to teach them about Jesus! While you’re celebrating and making fun family traditions, wear your favorite Ann + Reeves Easter outfit. Do you and your family have any fun Easter traditions? Share your celebrations on Instagram and tag @annreeveskids and #annreevescelebrates so we can celebrate with you.

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