3 Things To Help Find Back To School Routines
Going back to school can be a huge time of transition for many families - Here are 3 things to try so you can find your “Back to School” routine easily!
1. Adopt Your New Schedule
Making big shifts in schedules can be the hardest for families. Reach out to your school to get a better understanding of the general school day schedule so you can try to mock that at home the week (or two!) before school. Practice waking up with an alarm clock, having a quick breakfast and brushing teeth before heading out the door to a play date. The more you can get your kids to follow a similar schedule with waking up, snacks, lunch and ‘wind down afternoon time’ the easier it will be for them to adjust!
2. Limit Morning Decisions By Planning Ahead
Does your family like to celebrate with a pancake breakfast tradition for big days, or do you like to keep it easy and instead opt for cereal and a banana on the go? Either option is great, and it can simplify your morning if you lay out all ingredients and dishes needed. For a cereal breakfast, you can line up your family favorite cereals with bowls and spoons in front so you just have to pull out the milk jug and breakfast is served! Are pancakes your thing? Pull out the mixing bowl and box of ready to make pancake mix, with a griddle and spatula waiting on the stovetop for easy morning of prep.
Is it tough to pick that perfect outfit, or does your little girl like to copy mom and try on 3 separate outfits before finding the perfect one? Play dress up the night before!
3. Lay Out Necessities & Pack Backpacks
The biggest thing that helps our family is to decide on what to wear and lay. It. all. Out! Make sure you find those playground shorts to go under your littles dress, and pair up socks if they choose closed toe shoes. Are extra gym or playground clothes required? Pick those out and have them packed in your backpack! Line up the fresh water bottle and lunchbox so you don’t have to run around searching for that last little thing that keeps you from making it to school on time.

Haven’t decided on that back to school outfit yet? Shop our ready to ship back to school collection! Our back to school outfits are also perfect for those upcoming school pictures, or if you prefer to keep it seasonal shop ahead for our pumpkin or fall floral collection which are sure to photograph perfectly!